MV Carbon



Join us for a farewell to the Old American Can Factory! ISSUE Project Room is moving permanently to Downtown Brooklyn, and closing the Can Factory ane celebrating the release of Jonathan Kane’s February Live at ISSUE Project Room. With Talibam!, Jonathan Kane's February, and MV Carbon with Tony Conrad.


MV Carbon & Brian Chase

The third Artist-in-Residence performance by MV Carbon, featuring a duo with Brian Chase and a solo set with sculptural instrument-- a conceptual piece that explores the fluctuating facets of sentiment and nostalgia.


Metalux + Aki Onda/MV Carbon duo

Portraying physical and architecturally improbable spatial themes, Metalux seeks to situate the individual within a tangled web of technological interfaces. Their music can be heard as abstract sonic fiction.


MV Carbon + CrudLabs

For the first part of the program, Carbon utilizes the multi-channel speaker system to perform an abstract composition that is influenced by subjects relating to paranoia, dementia, epistemology, and biopsychosocial approaches. For the second part of the program, Carbon collaborates with Steven Litt.


MV Carbon + Okkyung Lee

Old American Can Factory

MV Carbon performs on cello, samplers, tape machines and oscillators, using ISSUE's multi–speaker system to portray concepts of time passage in moments of stillness. She gathers field recordings in open-air industrial and urban environments and shapes these sounds into percussive form.


Tony Conrad + MV Carbon

Meeting as they do with violin and cello above a unifying drone, Conrad and Carbon explode the space we normally think of in connection with string quartets, waltz music, and country fiddlin’. Chaotic parameters are bent and rigorously sculpted using techniques that have been revealed through enduring experimentation.
