An Evening of Poetry w/ Kathy Engel + Gale Jackson + Marc Zegans

Sat 23 Sep, 2006, 8pm
The Silo

Kathy Engel has been a full-time advocate/organizer/consultant/producer/writer engaged in building social justice, human rights and peace organizations and campaigns. She has worked extensively as a bridge between organizations and individuals who may not ordinarily work together or engage in dialogue with the purpose of building multi-racial/cross-class progressive institutions and projects, and maximizing the effectiveness and creativity of progressive efforts. Her work is based on a commitment to breaking boundaries, and infusing the imagination and thinking of the artist and the intellectual into the strategic planning for grassroots, community, national and international media and organizing efforts.

Gale Jackson will be reading from the brand new books MeDea (Glad Day Press) and Suite for Mozambique (Ikon). She is a poet, writer, librarian and cultural historian. She is the author of MeDea, Suite for Mozambique, Bridge Suite: Narrative Poems, A Khosian Tale of Beginnings and Ends, and We Stand our Ground with Kimiko Hahn and Susan Sherman. She currently serves on the faculty of Goddard College, as poet in residence at The Secondary School for Journalism and as storyteller in residence at The Hayground School.

Marc Zegans is a poet, playwright and author. His current work explores waking dreams and the experience of human fragility in the post-industrial landscape. He is now completing a book that explores these themes, entitled, Poems of Danger and abandon. He is also developing a spoken word album for Philistine Records. As a non-fiction writer Marc has written extensively about innovation in the public sector, and philanthropic practice. He is currently completing a book entitled, The Essential Work of Public Management, which is a non-foundationalist theory of the role of administration in democracy.