Ikue Mori & DJ Olive

Fri 20 Jan, 2006, 8pm
Old American Can Factory

DJ Olive was raised in Boston, Nova Scotia, Trinidad, Rhode Island and Australia. He was an active member of the Brooklyn Williamsburg scene (‘90-’93). In ‘91 he co-founded Lalalandia Entertainment Research Corporation. Lalalandia made many of the most memorable Brooklyn warehouse after- hours environments of that period. In 1994, he started up Multipolyomni and We. We’s ‘97 release “as is” can be considered a classic. In 1995 he began to enjoy improvising with musicians. Here’s a sample of some of the folks he’s played with. In 1999, he and Toshio Kajiwara founded Phonomena Audio Arts & Multiples (www.phonomena.org), a weekly event as well as a record label. also In ‘99, he and James Healy started the Agriculture. In 2003, after many years of collaborating with musicians, live and on recordings, Olive finally released his debut solo CD, “Bodega,” an ass shaking continuous mix tape of rough down home dance party beats.IN 2004, Room40, from Brisbane put out his “Buoy” composition. A 60-min voyage of beatless warmth Olive calls a “sleeping pill.” He has also been included in many exhibitions including: Treble, Brooklyn Sculpture Center 2004, City Sonics 2004, Mons, Venice Bienniale 2003, Whitney Biennial 2002, Bit Streams and Whitney 2001. He continues to compose in his Brooklyn studio, Skin Tone Riddles when he’s not playing somewhere like Tasmania.

Ikue Mori moved to New York in 1977. She started playing drums and soon formed the seminal NO WAVE band DNA. In the mid 80’s met John Zorn and was introduced new world of improvisation. Ikue started in employ drum machines in the unlikely context of improvised music. Throughout the 90’s, she subsequently collaborated with numerous improvisors throughout the US, Europe, and Asia, while continuing to produce and record her own music. In 2000 she was commissioned by the KITCHEN ensemble to write and premiere the piece Aphorism. In 2003 she was commissioned by RELACHE Ensemble to write music for silent film by Helen Levitt “In The Street.” In 2000 Ikue started using the laptop computer to expand on her already signature sound, thus broadening her scope of musical expression and recently incorporating live visual manipulation. Current working groups include “Mephista” with Sylvia Courvoisier and Susie Ibarra, a quartet with Kim Gordon, duo project with Zeena Parkins, and various projects with John Zorn.