Jim Staley

Wed 26 Jul, 2006, 8pm
Old American Can Factory

“Points in a Circle: Site-Specific Works for the Hemispheres at Issue project Room”
A month-long program that features new, site-specific work presented on IPR’s 16-Channel Hemispherical Speaker System

Composer/trombonist Jim Staley is renown for his groundbreaking solo performances and collaborations with advanced music creators including Fred Frith, Tom Cora, Morgan Powell, David Weinstein, Takehisa Kosugi, Ikue Mori, Robin Holcomb, and many others. He has worked with many choreographers (Suzie Brown, Pooh Kaye, Debra Loewen, Sally Silvers and others), and been a member of several creative music ensembles including Psychological Operations, Elliott Sharp’s Carbon, the Tone Road Ramblers, groups headed by Lenny Pickett and John Zorn, the Slide Hampton Jazz Ensemble, and the New York Composer’s Orchestra.