KickAss Artists Present: A Pre-Valentine’s Day Jam

Sat 12 Feb, 2005, 8pm
Lower East Side

Words / Sounds / Serious Love & Resistance

Kathy Engel -- Tiye Giraud -- Sonia Sanchez -- Sandra Garcia -- Jean Jean-Pierre & The Faces of Haiti

Visuals by Suzanne Fiol

Today's leading activists gather together with poetry, music, dancing and of course, lots of love!

Spotlight on: Women In Prison Project of the Correctional Assoc. of NY, United For Peace & Justice, and Re-Plant Haiti

KickAss Artists is a new group of chocolate eating, justice seeking, truth telling, peace making, trouble stirring, storytelling, beauty loving, soul singing imaginers Calling To Resist, Calling To Build.

Founding Charter Kickoff KickAss Artists: Kathy Engel, Tiye Giraud, Sandra Garcia, Alexis De Veaux, Gale Jackson, Sonia Sanchez, Gwendolen Hardwick, Suzanne Fiol, Jean Jean-Pierre…