Lets Paint TV! with John Kilduff!

Wed 16 Sep, 2009, 8pm
Old American Can Factory

ISSUE Project Room is thrilled to present, live, the legendary John Kilduff of Los Angeles’ LET'S PAINT TV.

“For those who haven’t seen it yet, Let’s Paint TV is a Los Angeles cable access television show on how to paint. But host John Kilduff doesn’t just paint. He paints while jogging on a treadmill, cooking food, mixing drinks, taking calls from the public and hosting a TV show. Add psychedelic visuals, abusive phone calls from Mexicans and fat naked life models, and you’ve got the ultimate A.D.D. TV.”
- Vice

FEATURING LIVE MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT BY: Sam Kulik (bass trombone), Dan Peck (Tuba), Michael Evans (percussion), Zach Layton (guitar/banjo)