The collective project MLB, hosted by STEIM and organized by Jamie Allen, is an ensemble performance project featuring a collection of noise and light performance works together in various combinations, live. Performers will include Loud Objects, Phillip Stearns, Yao Chung Han, and Jamie Allen. They seek to fuse visual and audible experience, by using material, minimal and abstract approaches.
The term audio-visual means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. The multimedia gallery installation artist and the video-jockey in a club have developed techniques that begin with the desire to fuse visual and audible experience. In recent international performance practice, we recognize a move towards the use of material, minimal and abstract approaches to this impulse.
“In a world of ever more powerful technology, it [is] downright inspiring to experience the sort of communication that [can] be accomplished with a simple on-off switch.” - Marc Weidenbaum,
MLB is a project bringing together a set of performance artists with an interest in the possibilities of minimal and maximal use of white light and noise aesthetics. Hosted by STEIM ( and organized by Jamie Allen (, the project is firstly an ensemble performance project featuring a collection of noise/light performance works together in various combinations, live. Further, the project will culminate in a body of research, highlighting and documenting the approaches and motivations of an emerging and radical performance form.