Phonocollusion - UK & Global Soundscapes re-rendered in Electroacoustic Improvisation

Thu 06 Apr, 2006, 1pm
Old American Can Factory

For fifteen years Nick Fells has been making electroacoustic work in the UK, mixing environmental and artificial soundscapes with instrumental and computer-based improvisation. As a member of the Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra and a shakuhachi player he worked under the auspices of such instrumental luminaries as Barry Guy, Evan Parker, Fred Frith and Keith Rower.

This set re-combines and re-presents material collected and composed during this time. The work is a transient reflection on sound experiences of the distant and recent past. Fellow-colluders include friends from the contemporary music and improvisation scenes in the cities of Glasgow and Munich; members of various Scottish orchestras; Ghanaian sculptor Kofti Setordji; the Glasgow public; pilgrims at the Mahabodhi temple at Bodhgaya in India; wildlife recorded around various Scottish and English rivers and lakes Starnberg south of Munich; plus a host of others. The existing works built from these sources are interrogated and re-configured live in a spatial remix specifically for the Project Room.

‘wildly imaginative’ - The Scotsman ‘sensationally exhausting the ambiguity between sound and silence… interactive music-making full of desire’- Sueddeutsche Zeitung