The thunderous conclusion of a season’s worth of political hysteria, Cecilia Corrigan’s Motherland culminates with a performance of the piece's full episodic cycle on December 3rd, 2016.

The thunderous conclusion of a season’s worth of political hysteria, Cecilia Corrigan’s Motherland culminates with a performance of the piece's full episodic cycle on December 3rd, 2016.
Due to popular and terrifying demand, Cecilia Corrigan returns to the ISSUE ballroom Oct 8th. Serving as Corrigan's yearly reminder of her eventual decay and death, the evening anticipates the premiere of Motherland, a theatre and video-based narrative exploring the American electorate's psychotic mommy issues.
Actor, director, and writer Steve Buscemi and composer/multi-instrumentalist Elliott Sharp return to present excerpts of their collaboration "Rub Out The Word." The evening also features a new collaboration between current ISSUE Artist-in-Residence, Cecilia Corrigan and past AIR James Ilgenfritz.
ISSUE Project Room is pleased to announce the selection of experimental musicians Leila Bordreuil, Keith Connolly, and author/actress Cecilia Corrigan as Artists-In-Residence, to present new works in the 2016 season. ISSUE's residency program commissions emerging NY artists to create challenging time-based works.
Felix Bernstein is skewered, roasted, and bloodied as he launches his debut book, Notes on Post-Conceptual Poetry, into the art and poetry world that it viciously deconstructs. Alex Fleming hosts Cecilia Corrigan, Trisha Low, Merrie Cherry, and Adam Fitzgerald, with music by Cammisa Buerhaus.