


Queer Trash Presents: Fire-Toolz

Angel Marcloid's Fire-Toolz is a frenzied digital video collage and music project overflowing with genres: electro-industrial, harsh noise, trip metal, heavy dance, vaporwave, and more. Rendering the personal and digital inseparable, Fire-Toolz transforms decades of internet aesthetics into a lexicon of swirling iconography, where recurring symbols and sounds create a world of recursive transformation.

Queer Trash Presents: God Is My Co-Pilot / Fire-Toolz

For their final program as the 2018 Suzanne Fiol Curatorial Fellow, Queer Trash is excited to present God Is My Co-Pilot and Fire-Toolz. Angular and ecstatic, the program promises an evening of raw and experimental song form, reconstructed noise, and genre promiscuity.
