ISSUE celebrates its 20th Anniversary by welcoming acclaimed sonicist, composer, and biologist Francisco López. Internationally acclaimed for the intensity, richness and astonishing audio detail of his live immersive surround performances, López’s work is presented in multi-channel sound, in the dark, to a limited-capacity blindfolded audience in his New York home.

ISSUE celebrates its 20th Anniversary by welcoming acclaimed sonicist, composer, and biologist Francisco López’s presentation VirtuAural Electro-Mechanics. Internationally acclaimed for the intensity, richness and astonishing audio detail of his live immersive surround performances, López’s work is presented in multi-channel sound, in the dark, on two special evenings to a limited-capacity blindfolded audience in his New York home, ISSUE Project Room.
Floating Points 2008: Stephan Moore + Francisco López
The third year of Floating Points Festival (formerly Points in a Circle) explores the versatility of ISSUE Project Room’s innovative house speaker system, designed by Stephan Moore.

ISSUE and Harvestworks present acclaimed sonicist, composer, and biologist Francisco López making a rare NY appearance, his first at ISSUE since 2014. The evening also features composer, performer, and kinetic installation artist Michael Theodore's “Sound Houses (i)”, the first in a series inspired by Francis Bacon.

With roots in industrial music, and a penchant for recording everything from rainforests to skyscrapers, López’ work concerns complex phenomenological referencing to the “substance of reality." Composer Beth Bradfish presents work brining the audience as close to sound as possible, with Diane Moser & Max Johnson.

Francisco López makes a rare NY appearance creating an immersive sonic experience in the dark, with multi-channel sound and blindfolded audience. Taylor Deupree and Stephen Vitiello, label-mates and collaborators, perform a unique duo featuring modular synthesizers, field recordings and guitar.

López has developed a detailed sonic construction for ISSUE's multi-channel sound system. It is a true site-specific composition that unfolds with richness and detail as an intense and immersive experience inside a self-contained virtual world of sound.

Wine and dust: Francisco López
Wine and dust: Purposeless memory scraps [and some of their consequences] of a passionate drifter / An essay by Francisco López, who performs March 24 and 25 as part of the Floating Points program.
Francisco Lopez + Stephen Moore + Todd Merrell
“Points in a Circle: Site-Specific Works for the Hemispheres at Issue project Room”
A month-long program that features new, site-specific work presented on IPR’s 16-Channel Hemispherical Speaker System