The second night of Swedish Energies includes Anastasia Ax, Erik Bünger, Hild Sofie Tafjord, Trepaneringsritualen, The Gagmen featuring Aaron Dilloway, Nate Young, and Joachim Nordwall, as well as a film by Lars Siltberg.
The second night of Swedish Energies includes Anastasia Ax, Erik Bünger, Hild Sofie Tafjord, Trepaneringsritualen, The Gagmen featuring Aaron Dilloway, Nate Young, and Joachim Nordwall, as well as a film by Lars Siltberg.
The second annual Swedish Energies is a free two-night festival featuring a huge lineup of some of Sweden’s most exciting experimental musicians and artists. Performances include collaborations between U.S. and Swedish artists, as well as a cross-section of Sweden's most pre-eminent experimental groups.