DARMSTADT: “Classics of the Avant Garde” presents its second annual
This year’s festival celebrates the 30th anniversary of the seminal New Music New York concerts curated by Rhys Chatham and held at The Kitchen (then on Broome Street), which put the still-burgeoning Downtown Scene – at the crossroads of minimalism, interdisciplinary performance, and various strains of post-punk – under a mainstream spotlight and redefined the presentation of experimental music.
DARMSTADT’s cross-section of composers involved in the original festival includes “Blue” Gene Tyranny, Connie Beckley, David van Tieghem, Jill Kroesen, Jon Gibson, Ned Sublette, Peter Gordon, Peter Zummo, Petr Kotik, Phill Niblock, and a performance of Meredith Monk’s Dolmen Music by the M6. Invited composers have been asked to present compositions of theirs from the 1970s, if not the actual pieces presented at the original Kitchen concerts. The festival will be held from December 3 through 5 at ISSUE Project Room. All concerts begin at 8pm. Tickets will be $20 at the door/$15 advance (available online at http://www.issueprojectroom.org or for cash purchase at Other Music.)
Saturday, December 5 at 8pm
Peter Zummo – “Minesweeper” (1979), “With Ease She Darts These Bees and Sees” (1979), “Blinded By the Sun” (1979); Performed by the composer with Bill Ruyle (percussion), Mustafa Ahmed (percussion), and Stephanie Woodard (reading)
David van Tieghem – Excerpt from “A Man and His Toys” (c. 1979); Peformed by the composer
Ned Sublette – Songs TBA; Performed by the composer and guests
Jill Kroesen – Songs TBA; Performed by the composer and the Love of Life Orchestra
Peter Gordon – “Macho Music” (1973), “Extended Niceties” (1976); Performed by the Love of Life Orchestra
With The Love of Life Orchestra (LOLO)
Peter Gordon, saxophone and keyboards; Peter Zummo, trombone; Max Gordon, trumpet; Martha Mooke, electric viola; Ned Sublette, Randy Gun, Zach Layton, guitar; Elio Villafranca, piano; Yunior Terry, bass; Mustafa Ahmed, congas and percussion; Bill Ruyle, mallets and percussion; David Van Tieghem, drums; Jill Kroesen, Nick Hallett, Daisy Press, Rachel Henry, vocals
For more information on Peter Zummo, visit: http://www.kalvos.org/zummope.html
For more information on David van Tieghem, visit: http://www.vantieghem.com/
For more information on Jill Kroesen, visit: http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:3ifwxqw5ld6e
For more information on Ned Sublette, visit: http://afrocubaweb.com/nedsublette.htm
For more information on Peter Gordon, visit: myspace.com/pglolo