Over the past 10 years, Ensemble Pamplemousse has created a unique and focused sound world. And like the grapefruit, it is juicy, sweet, tender and tart. Fortunately, they are not the only people living in that world. Being one of the few new music ensembles that writes its own music, Ensemble Pamplemousse has recently been fishing through the new music community looking for composers who reflect all the ideals Pamplemousse holds dearly - inspiration of an idiosyncratic idea, the dedication to carry that idea out to its end, and the audacity to playfully disregard any of that. BIRDS OF A FEATHER is a presentation of these composers discovered through their 2011 Call for Scores Campaign/Curation/Commission Project.
Juraj Kojs, Adventures of an Annihilated Mirror (commissioned by Pamplemousse, world premiere)
Ray Evanoff, An Index of Poses and Motions
Matthew Shlomowitz, Fast Medium Swing
James Weeks, Honey Celebration
Mauricio Rodriguez, Algido
Marek Poliks, CIN(shift)
Performed by:
Natacha Diels, flutes
Kiku Enomoto, violin
Jessie Marino, cello
Dave Broome, keys
Amir Khosrowpour, aux