the holy experiment + corridors + ateleia

Fri 11 Jan, 2008, 8pm
Old American Can Factory

Byron Westbrook is a sound/intermedia artist living in Brooklyn, NY. His work involves performance of processed instrumental and environmental recordings through a multi-channel environment with a focus on redistributing energy distilled from sound and light. In solo performances under the name Corridors, a system of multiple amplifiers is used in conjunction with PA speakers to create a dynamic space within a space using sound and video projection. He has also collaborated with Rhys Chatham in the drone metal group Essentialist (Table of the Elements), as well as performed in the ensembles of Phill Niblock, Chatham, Glenn Branca and Jonathan Kane. Releases are forthcoming in 2008 for both Corridors and Essentialist.

The Holy Experiment is the solo performance of Brooke Hamre Gillespie, who was born in Ely, Minnesota in 1979. She plays bells, Tibetan singing bowls, suling flutes, recorders, electric violin, electric guitar, and uses her voice to navigate the new worlds created through the sounds. Gillespie writes. “My work is intended to reach not only those in the immediate area who listen, but consciousness is given to the sounds and vibrations produced with insight into the idea that all vibration is interactive and that every sound created eventually makes its way through the cosmos…”

Ateleia is Brooklyn resident James Elliott. His music combines crystalline pulse with submerged aquatic drones and subtle ghost melodies, evoking the grand echo of “My Bloody Valentine” and the long-standing tradition of psychedelic minimalism while informed by contemporary electronic music. “Hypnotically gorgeous…” - Jon Dale, Stylus Magazine