Isolated Field Recording Series: Voice Training - Hard Exit

Thu 25 Jun, 2020, 8pm
Streaming on this webpage, Vimeo, and Facebook Live

Thursday, June 25th at 8pm EST, ISSUE is pleased to stream Hard Exit, a new piece from multimedia producer Voice Training. The piece is part of the Isolated Field Recording Series, commissioning artists to produce field recordings to be streamed over the course of this challenging and isolated time.

Notes from Voice Training on Hard Exit:

garbage time is running out.

possesed. since the age of four. my earliest memories. staying up late, following my visions into the night. imagining myself in a dress rolling around in a metal pipe. lucid fantasies. crossdressing. noncompliance. it consumed me. i could often think of nothing else. the feeling only intensified. pleasure bubbling from the primordial slime. destiny? desire. spurned by guilt. desire for desire’s sake.

autogynephilia. blanchardism. a panoptical caricature. a reductive imposition. flailing secular rationalism. a strategy they fear. a winning one. he sniffed it out from the start. agp is an adaptive cluster. diffused. corporeality becomes indistinguishable from the imagined. deterritorialized. you are living alongside someone else. or something else. spawned from lilith. a copy of a copy. ai?

"as technology in general and techno capital continues to accelerate, human beings become increasingly alienated from their bodies and eventually their minds.”

hard exit. if the feminine scales towards techno capital, the autogynephile can take it a step further. fusion. melding with production. a wholesale rejection of the “natural” order. of eden. cybernetics. the left hand path. a biohacked, transhuman femdroid armed w/ a 9mm and a bad attitude. they want us destroyed (an imminent danger to already declining hegemonic power). outside coming in. hyper-sexist camouflage. turing cops. checkpoints. imitators will be terminated. we operate in stealth. decentralized. traveling light, not leaving a trace.

meltdown. patchwork. autonomous zones. erogenous zones. holding on. all becomes a hobbesian game. pareto efficient, pareto improvement. invest carefully! the beating heat of the neo-city. silicon hot as cement. sissified colonies. neon barricades. gloss age mindset. iridescent self sufficiency. reproductive death drive. physiology wavers. nature obeys."

sound: phoebe poole
video, text: sasha fidget
concept: voice training
inspired by nyx land’s g/acc manifesto

If you are in a position to do so, Voice Training has asked all donations during the event be directed to G.L.I.T.S..

Voice Training is a multimedia producer working at the imagined intersection of trans poetics, game theory and digital synthesis. Starting the project in 2017, she has presented sound pieces at ISSUE Project Room, E-Flux Bar Laika, Alyssa Davis Gallery, and CONTROL - culminating in 2019’s Hyper- Articulate for Die Reihe’s Banh Mi Verlag label.

In response to COVID-19’s impact on public assembly and our subsequent suspension of public programming, ISSUE’s Isolated Field Recordings Series commissions artists to produce field recordings to be streamed over the course of this challenging and isolated time. The series will support artists directly in an unprecedented moment of uncertainty, struggle, and financial risk and emphasize the solidarity of artists working in a situation where everyday life is confined and separated. Focusing on recordings from artists’ current conditions, the series will broadly approach the field recording as an expanded form and open invitation to experiment with home audio recording during this period of social distancing. The series will include forthcoming presentations by Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves (7/1), James K (7/2), Laura Ortman (7/8, and Aki Onda (7/15)). All times are 8pm EST.

Waiting room music is Tony Conrad's "Three Loops for Performers and Tape Recorders (1961)" performed by Lary 7 + Masami Tomihisa, Mia Theodoradus, Karen Waltuch, Paige Sarlin, Laura Ortman, and Delphine Griffith at ISSUE in 2017. Visuals are from ISSUE's AIR Alumni Collaborations performed by Bradley Eros & MV Carbon at ISSUE in 2017.

ISSUE Project Room's Isolated Field Recording Series is supported, in part, by the Café Royal Cultural Foundation.

As a part of ISSUE Project Room’s ongoing 2020 Spring Season, this series is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. ISSUE gratefully acknowledges additional 2020 Spring Season support from NOKIA Bell Labs, The Golden Rule Foundation, Howard Gilman Foundation, and TD Charitable Foundation.