Zero Film Festival - Focusing on a niche in the independent film community which has been under-appreciated and ignored, Zero Film Festival is dedicated to screening self-financed films from filmmakers all over the world.
In the age where the majority of festivals are Hollywood marketing campaigns, and even “indie” and “underground” festivals screen financed films, we are here to offer something different. We recognize authentically independent films and filmmakers who take risks and fight the odds to see their visions through.
The Zero Film Festival is the first festival EXCLUSIVE to self-financed filmmakers, providing a platform to screen their bold and innovative films in Los Angeles AND New York City.
In 2009 ZFF added our 1st annual West Coast Tour – screening selected 2008 films in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Hollywood and Orange County. 2010 will see the expansion into our 1st annual North American Tour alongside screenings in Europe and South America.
7:00 pm | Conflict Nations Program
Multi Disciplinary Art on Afghanistan Experiences:
Sahar Muradi
Zohra Saed
Rethink Afghanistan
Zohra Saed will read a short piece about her friend Farhad, who went back to Afghanistan to rebuild and was involved in the oil pipeline and who was killed in a suspicious plane crash off the coast of Karachi, Pakistan. It’s very painful but an important story to tell.
Zohra Saed was born in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. She spent her childhood first in Amman, Jordan and later in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia before her father brought his family to Brooklyn. She is a poet, academic, and editor.
Sahar Muradi
“I will be reading from memoirs about my family, as well as excerpts from diaries I kept while living and working in Afghanistan from 2003-2005.“