Art Union Humanscape, the duo of Ayako Kato (dance) and Jason Roebke (double bass), join forces with Tim Barnes (percussion) for an evening of beautiful absence. Their performance is an ongoing study in the beauty of being as it is.
Ayako Kato is a dancer and choreographer originally from Yokohama, Japan. Her work as an improviser has been presented in Amsterdam, Paris, and at Joyce Soho in New York City. Her choreography was hailed by the New York Times as “remarkable for its expressive lack of movement” and “compelling to behold.”
Jason Roebke is one of Chicago’s most active improvisers, working with Fred Lonberg-Holm, Rob Mazurek, and countless international collaborators.
Percussionist Tim Barnes can be heard on record and on stage with the world’s foremost musical innovators. Text of Light, Jim O’Rourke, Silver Jews, Beth Orton, and Jon Butcher.